If you’re thinking about applying a few highlights to your blonde hair, there are stuff that you need to know before doing so. You can need to select best color of highlights for dark brown hairto produce the most natural looking results. When you’ve chosen to use the highlight color you’ll need to select the […]

What color highlights cover gray?
Hair highlights is a style that every woman looks good and never gets out of fashion. Cool highlights are the perfect way to get a dull and conservative look changed. They encourage modern women to express their creativity while at the same time gaining more vivid and richer hair colour. Before attending a prom, wedding, […]

Difference between highlights and balayage
Take into account your skin tone, hair type and natural hair colour, to choose the right highlights. So, it is easy to get it right when you choose highlights to focus on what you already have depending on difference between highlights and balayage. You have perfect, silky tresses but that doesn’t make you shine. Although […]

Side effect of balayage for your hair
If you had your hair colored years ago, your stylist would pick lines of hair and add a lighter color for famous stripes. But today there’s a new alternative to highlight that’s becoming more popular: balayage. This technique involves dragging the dye through a brush from the top to the bottom of the head. It […]

Way to lighten hair without bleach it at home
If you want to get lighter hair without a ride to the salon, take a step off the bleach. At best, you’re going to end up with some muddy tones or a hue that you didn’t have in mind. You may burn your scalp at worst, or cause your hair to split and/or fall out. […]

Difference between toner and purple shampoo
There’s no shortage of people out there trying to help preserve the look they get from a blonde dye job of high quality. This can be expensive as well as a hassle for all the fake blondes out there because too often the initial coloring the looks so good from your favored salon will easily […]